Happy Living

How to Make Life Livable with Ease and Happiness?

If you are a Foody and don’t know the food and diet rules, you are going to suffer. If you are a Workaholic and don’t know how to relax, you are going to suffer. If you are an entrepreneur and don’t know how to communicate persuasively, you are going to suffer. If you are an Employee and don’t know how to remain resilient (this includes … Continue reading How to Make Life Livable with Ease and Happiness?


Your Well-being Matters & It’s An Urgent Need Than You Think

“If you look at healthcare today, it’s all about disease. It’s not about understanding wellness at all.” Leroy Hood You have all material wealth and luxuries; you are fit but yet do you feel happy? Many rich people and celebrities are falling under this category. But this feeling of lowness and unhappiness is not limited to rich and famous, it is across society. Depression and … Continue reading Your Well-being Matters & It’s An Urgent Need Than You Think

Mental Fitness

What you need to know about your mental fitness

“Thinking is the toughest kind of work which is why so many people avoid it.” Orrin Woodward Thinking involves brain and fitness of our brain improves quality of our thinking. Exercise is good for physical fitness. But the majority of modern-day diseases are a psychosomatic disease.  This means connected with both – the mind and the body. We focus on our physical fitness (most are … Continue reading What you need to know about your mental fitness