Weight Loss, new year resolution

Know Why Weight Loss is Not the Right Fitness Goal?

Weight loss is the number one 2018 new year resolution in the US. Good news for this blog/fitness blogs and many fitness professionals /industry.  Hope to see similar priority among Indians.

India is known for Diabetes, heart disease, obesity capital of the world. In fact, The Hindu Business Line reported India faces an ‘epidemic’ of diabetes, heart disease

The agenda of this blog is healthy and happy society. Without happiness, health focus and good health will disappear. It is important that social media is helping us spread health awareness on a massive scale.

The irony is we tend to know everything about global warming, the blockchain, cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, Viruska, and Donald Trump but we do not have any clue about our own body, fitness, and diet. 

Hospitals like Cleveland Clinics and Harvard Health Initiatives are worth recognizing. In India after Baba Ramdev and PM’s Yoga day drive, dietician like Rujuta Diwekar is pioneering the health revolution.

Yet there are many misconceptions about good health. What we Indians must know is;

  • The difference between weight loss and fat loss
  • The difference between Yoga and Cardiovascular Exercises
  • The difference between leisure walking and walking for the health of the heart
  • The importance of weight training and muscle building training
  • Thin people do require exercise and are equally prone to all diseases.
  • Most of us (rich/elite included) do not know what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat.
  • We neither know the importance of acidic /alkaline balance nor Vata, Pitta and Kapha balance for a healthy body,
  • Importance of stress management and healthy living
  • Overwork/late night work is considered a virtue
  • How fast food and processed food is running the health of your family?
  • The role of doctors and fitness trainers/dieticians are different

We are easy to be fooled, people. We are fooled by scamster promoters by their baseless IPOs.

Ponzi schemes floaters every now and then fool us and take away our money. Every time they succeed, as every time we believe them to be true and authentic. Our sheer greed is responsible for their success.

We believe in SMS based recommendations about Penny stock in the stock market.

& now in the field of healthcare and fitness, there are companies and professionals who guarantee your weight loss without exercise and diet restrictions. They defy common sense they defy science and yet we believe them.

Our greed, shortcut mindset, lethargy, and misplaced priority keeps us like what we are.

Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions all around so rather than finding the fact about our own health we either believe in the easy route or don’t do anything. Remaining confused is the easiest way of not doing anything.

The simple and vital rule for managing health and weight is “The only changes worth making are those that you can maintain for the rest of your life.”  Dr. Eddie Phillips of Harvard Medical School.

  • The difference between weight loss and fat loss. What we all need is fat loss and not mere weight loss. Weight loss without a fat loss is muscle loss. Muscle loss will make us weaker with weight loss.
  • The difference between Yoga and Cardiovascular Exercises. Both are different kinds of exercises and both are necessary. One is for the flexibility and functional health while cardiovascular exercises like walking, running, swimming is for the health of the heart.
  • The difference between leisure walking and walking for the health of the heart. Our heart must be challenged for healthy heart muscle training. Don’t just stroll and think you are doing some healthy thing. Walk reasonably fast so that you get tired after a while.

Read; 6 things you must know about the walking

  • The importance of weight training and muscle building training. Weight training is different than muscle building. Everyone going to the Gym is not going for muscle building. Weight training is very important for muscle and bone health.
  • Thin people do require exercise and are equally prone to all diseases. They may have less muscle and more fat. Being thin is not the only agenda, being less fatty is the agenda. They also have a heart, muscles, and organs. The health of these requires a proper exercise regime.
  • Most of us (rich/elite included) do not know what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat. Eat small quantity of meals at a time, eat the fruit in the morning, drink 3 liters of water daily, eat less after sunset, carbohydrate, protein, vegetable ratio, junk food impact, sugar hazard, etc are worth knowing if you wish to remain fit and disease-free for longer.

Read: Know why your next meal will be different

Read; 14 eating practices as per Ayurveda

  • We neither know the importance of acidic /alkaline balance nor Vata, Pitta and Kapha balance for a healthy body. Balancing these is extremely important for a healthy body. Most diseases are the result of these imbalances.

Read: How food imbalance is running your health

  • Importance of stress management and healthy living. We have become a stressed country. As per the recent survey, 46% of Indian workforce suffer from stress. Stress and good health are diagonally opposite status.
  • Overwork/late night work is considered a virtue. Sleep and general rest are essential for overall health. According to Florida Hospital, key benefits of rest are improved memory, healthy weight, management, good heart health, and stress reduction.
  • How fast food and processed food is running the health of your family. These no nutrition, food spoils the ecology of our body system like the air pollution spoils the ecology of the environment. These are hugely damaging food and must be avoided. Regular/frequent consumption of these foods makes us permanently diseased.

Read: How to deal with Childhood Obesity

  • The role of a doctor and fitness trainers/dieticians are different. This is really important. Doctors are for the treatment of disease while fitness professionals are helping us in preventing the disease. Many people consult doctors for prevention issues.

Medical education needs to take ‘an ounce of prevention’ seriously “Traditional medical education may include a token course in prevention, but the focus is squarely on how to treat patients. Once in practice, most physicians apply their expertise and time to immediate health problems. They don’t know, and often feel they can’t influence, whether their patients eat a healthy school lunch or have a safe place to ride a bike. At most, they often issue rote reminders to quit smoking or to lose a few pounds.

In order to head off obesity, diabetes, congestive heart failure, obstructive pulmonary disease, and other expensive, debilitating, and potentially preventable conditions, these two paths — public health and clinical practice — must meet.”

There are fitness professionals are now bridging the gap. They are trained in preventive health care. Whether they are dieticians, sports and nutrition specialists, personal Gym trainers and Yoga trainers, these breed of new professionals is making an impact on the society to make it healthy.

In a country where the doctor-patient ratio is 0.62 : 1.00, (31 Mar 17, Parliament Figure) for a healthy India, these preventive health care professionals can play a vital role.

 “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.” Sun Tzu

We neither know our enemy (causes of ill health) nor we know our own body (how our body works) and we keep fighting our health battles, daily.

Becoming aware of the science of your health should be the ideal New Year resolution.  Only weight loss focus will not be sustainable and will remain resolution number one every year.

Shed your ignorance, and take charge of your health. Before weight loss, ignorance loss is a prerequisite.

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